Architecture oh the future

Autor: Anna Heringer
Napisala: Nina Granda




Forecasts for the future of the human culture and society are most often completely wrong, especially if they are based on predictions of new inventions, new materials and new shapes. Today, however, as we are aware of climate change and the fact that construction is one of the three biggest environmental polluters, we would not be entirely mistaken if we optimistically directed the predictions of the future of architecture toward one leading thought, fragile and idealistic – it could be a harbinger of a more meaningful architecture, an architecture of coexistence. Although it would be pretentious to expect a reversal of architectural (aest)ethics as a whole, it is still realistic to expect stronger individual pathways in the direction of sustainable, environmentally and socially more meaningful architecture, i.e. constructions that seek a balance between individual needs, the community and sustainability. Such coexistence means a reversal, a departure from the established understanding of architecture, dominant in the 20th century, which was marked by the use of concrete, glass and steel as well as the enthusiasm regarding the possibilities that these materials provide. Perhaps we would guess the essence of future architectural trends with a prediction which, instead of finding new materials, would look for opportunities to connect modern technological achievements with traditional, original and renewable materials.

If we imagine the future optimistically—after all, we architects are still idealists— we could highlight the studio of Anna Heringer as a far-sighted European office that outlines the development of architecture in the 21st century. Her architecture is based on the employment of local workforce, on local traditions and materials, as well as the distribution of profits within the local environment.